Ask A Pro: Nutrimom on Skin and Allergens

By Guest Contributor , published Nov 7, 2014

Skin Issues Can be Caused by Allergens

Our friend Nutrimom specializes in food allergy education. People with chronic skin issues may not realize that the cause of their problems may be due to allergens; not just in your food but also what you put on your skin.

The most common allergens in food are wheat, soy, dairy products, fish, shellfish and tree nuts. Not only do these allergens create histamines in the body, they can cause hives and rashes on the skin. That chronic systemic inflammation can also be the cause of on going issues like acne and eczema. This inflammation of the body can be caused by exposure to allergens in foods that are consumed regularly.

The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of sea buckthorn oils are amazing for skin conditions like acne. Our skin care line is the easiest way to get the benefits of sea buckthorn oil for topical use. For an added boost, we recommend also taking sea buckthorn oils internally.

Written by Guest Contributor

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