The Story Of Our Skincare Line

By Admin Email , published Dec 16, 2014

SeabuckWonders Premium Skincare

SeabuckWonders was the first company to introduce sea buckthorn oil to US consumers back in 1994. At that time, our primary focus was on supplements. In our 20 years of experience, we have gained extensive knowledge on the health benefits this amazing super fruit. Not just from research studies done on SBT by scientists worldwide but from the valued feedback of our customers. One of the major benefits of SBT is it's wonderful skin supporting qualities. It's no wonder that many new skin care products are flooding the market today. Not all SBT products are created equal. Many of the products have low levels of sea buckthorn oil.


More Than Just a Trendy Ingredient 

Some personal care companies treat sea buckthorn just as another trendy ingredient to add to their product offering.  The driving force behind our decision to make our own skin care line was to  create products that maximize what sea buckthorn can do externally. The first secret was to identify the optimal concentration of sea buckthorn oil. We source our own sea buckthorn berries directly from Tibet without any middle-man. We are able to  control costs and quality, ensuring that our sea buckthorn is the best on the market. We are able to offer a large quantity of oils in our products at a great price.

Our products have so much SBT oil in them that they are naturally tinted orange!

There are two common varieties of sea buckthorn oils which come from the seed and the fruit of the plant. While both offer benefits for the skin, their nutritional profiles are different. Seed oil contains high levels of vitamin E, omega 3, 6, 9 and other powerful antioxidants which all benefit the skin.  Omega-7, which is best known for supporting skin health, found in the berry oil.

The right amount of seed oil and berry oil is the key to creating maximum results.

 Our sea buckthorn berry oil contains the highest levels of omega-7 on the market.  For over 3 years, we tested many different combinations to find the perfect balance of seed and berry oils. Our products have a high level of SBT oils but have a light, non-greasy texture. They absorb quickly into the skin and are perfect for everyday use.

Written by Admin Email

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