Health Benefits of Omega 7 and What it is

The richest source of this incredible fatty acid is sea buckthorn berry oil, which has the highest omega 7 content of any known natural source! This rare fatty acid shows promise for improving gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, digestive health and inflammation response. It's also a boon for hair, skin, and nails which is why many refer to it as the "Beauty Omega".

So what is Omega 7?

Omega 7 Fatty Acid: Rare, but Powerful 

Omega 7 (Palmitoleic Acid) is a little known fatty acid that does wonders to benefit health. Found in the pulp of sea buckthorn berries, it's rare in the plant kingdom, and even scarcer in the animal world. Omega 7 has gained popularity in recent years as more studies come out on the subject.



What is The Rare Omega-7

Omega-7, also known as Palmitoleic acid, is a monounsaturated fatty acid found in some animal, vegetable, and marine oils.

It is a rather rare omega fatty acid that only recently has gained global exposure for its benefits and unique qualities.

Omega-7 is present in all body tissues, mostly in skin and fat tissue. Sea buckthorn berries offer the most potent botanical source of Omega-7 currently known and are garnering wide-spread attention as a "Miracle Berry" with many health advantages.

Omega-7 is Special

Omega-7 fatty acid promotes healthy moisturized skin, hair, and nails at a cellular level. Our tissue actually contains Omega-7 and its restoration, whether topical or internally, nourishes and balances these tissues for a youthful and shiny glow.

Omega-7 fatty acid supports a healthy gastrointestinal and digestive system from start to finish. This fatty acid nurtures mucous membranes starting in the oral cavity all the way through the end of the digestive tract, alleviating discomfort and balancing digestive functions.

Omega-7 fatty acid supports proper inflammation-response throughout the body and reinforce the body's natural lubrication system.

According to an Australian scientific study of Omega-7 conducted in the mid 90's, this fatty acid may even help manage weight and balance fat stores.


Health Benefits of Taking Omega 7 Regularly

1. Hair, Skin And Nails

Omega 7 and other components of sea buckthorn oil are wonderful for supporting the health of skin. It can help to restore the skin's natural omega balance, protecting skin cells and supporting cellular health.

Benefits of omega-7 for skin health

Users of sea buckthorn berry oil report shiny hair, glowing skin and strong nails. This is no doubt in part to omega 7. Sea buckthorn berry oil is a popular ingredient in beauty products and skin care. It's recommended for fighting signs of premature aging like wrinkles and dryness.

2. Gastrointestinal Health

Omega 7 has been shown to improve the health of gastric mucous membranes and aid in the healing of ulcers.

Omega 7 can help support mucous membranes throughout the body. Unhealthy mucous membranes are the cause of several prevalent digestive health problems. Omega 7 rich sea buckthorn oil helped the repair process of gastric tissue and mucosa in studies.

3. Mucous Membrane Health & Dryness 

The human body has a complex network of mucous membranes. They serve a very important role in protecting the health of our bodies. Many people suffer from dry or irritated mucous membranes.

Oral supplementation of sea buckthorn berry oil can help with a number of chronic dryness related issues. May help relieve dry eyes, mouth and vaginal dryness.

Sea buckthorn oil has been studied for its potential to help with dryness throughout the body. Mucous membrane health can affect many areas of the body. Whether it's chronic dryness of the eyes, disorders like Sjogren's syndrome, recovery from sub-health conditions or menopause, sea buckthorn oil may be the answer to dryness. 

Our most popular product, Omega 7 Complete, combines omega 7 rich sea buckthorn berry oil with sea buckthorn seed oil. This blend provides omegas 3, 7, 6 and 9 plus the naturally occurring antioxidants in the oil. This blend has everything you need to support overall health and combat dryness in the body. 

 Benefits of omega-7 for skin health

Sea buckthorn oil doesn't just provide mucous membrane support from omega 7. It naturally contains an array of antioxidants and other fatty acids that encourage healthy inflammation response in the body.

Click here to learn more about dryness:  Omega 7 and Feminine Dryness

4. Cardiovascular Health

Recently omega 7 has been on the radar for its cardiovascular health benefits. Omega 7 has shown promise for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels. One study showed a decrease in cholesterol and triglycerides in rats given omega 7.

Omega 7 may also to help smooth artery passages which helps artery walls stay strong.

The health benefits of Omega 7


Sea Buckthorn is the Best Source of Omega 7


Although you can get omega 7 from fish, sea buckthorn berry oil is the best source. Sea buckthorn berry oil has the highest natural amount of any source, plant or animal in the world.

Fish have only a small amount of omega 7. This means that it must be heavily processed in order to isolate the omega 7. This heavy processing makes the oils unstable.

Fish oil tastes and smells bad because it goes rancid easily. There aren’t any other beneficial nutrients in omega 7 fish products. Besides being inferior in taste and nutrition, fish oils are not sustainable. Sea buckthorn oil is sustainable, natural and has all around better nutrition than fish sources.

How is Omega 7 Extracted?

Omega 7 is a hard to find in nature. Omega 7 is known for boosting cellular health and moisture within the body. The fatty acid may be helpful for digestive system problems. It's great for supporting the most delicate tissues in the body. Omega 7 promotes healthy inflammation response in the body as well. Sea buckthorn is the best source for omega 7 and beats all other sources.

The Extraction Process

The other main source of omega 7 that consumers can find is fish. Fish sources do contain sea buckthorn but the amount is very low. To create an omega 7 supplement out of fish, the material must go through a process of harsh refining. Extra processing causes the final product unstable and more prone to spoiling.

Fish Oil Is Unstable 

The unpleasant taste and odor of fish supplements isn’t only from the natural smell of fish. It's because the unstable oils often go rancid. Industrial chemicals and high temperatures are often used. One advantage of using sea buckthorn as a source for Omega 7 is that heavy processing isn't needed. There is such a high amount of the fatty acid already in the raw material. With many other nutritional properties, stripping the oil doesn't make sense.

Supercritical CO2 Extraction 

CO2 extraction is gentle and uses low temperatures. SeabuckWonders uses this method to extract oils. In fact, it uses temperatures even cooler than cold pressing. This process is all that's needed to extract sea buckthorn oils. This method is best because it preserves most of the nutrients from the plant material.


Did you know?

SeabuckWonders products contain the highest amount of omega 7 on the market. See a comparison chart on omega 7 extraction methods — and read more about why sea buckthorn is the best choice.



Worried About Palmitic Acid? See this link.


  1. Erkkola, R. & Yang, B. “Sea buckthorn oils: Towards healthy mucous membranes.” AGROFood Industry Hi-Tech, 2003;53(3).
  2. Loginov, A.S., et al. Patol Fixiol Eksp Ter, 1983;6:67-70. National Association for Colitis and Crohn’s Disease. “Inflammatory bowel disease basics.”


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