True Love Bath Bomb

By Seabuck Staff , published Jun 6, 2016

Get ready for a luxurious, skin hydrating bath! What could be better at the end of a stressful day than unwinding in an aromatherapy bubble bath? Forget buying bath bombs. Making your own is much more cost effective and you have control of the ingredients that go into them. These will make great gifts for your friends this Valentine’s Day.

Bath Bomb
True Love Bath Bomb
1/2 cup Epsom Salts Spray bottle of water for misting
1 cup Baking Soda
¼ cup Cornstarch
2 tsp. Jojoba
½ tsp Sea Buckthorn
Seed Oil ½ tsp 
Sea Buckthorn Berry Oil
½ tsp Neroli Oil
½ tsp Cedarwood Oil
½ tsp Orchid Oil Pink Food Coloring/ Red food coloring
Heart Shaped Mold (Round is okay)
1/2 Cup Citric Acid 

Mix all dry ingredients into a bowl using a whisk or spoon.

Add oils and food coloring in a jar. Feel free to experiment with different fragrances!

Bath BombBath Bomb

Start adding the liquid to the dry ingredients. Add just a little bit at a time and stir vigorously with whisk. If you are wearing rubber gloves you can combine the ingredients by hand. This will stop the materials from fizzing up.

Bath Bomb

Once you’ve added all the liquid to the dry ingredients, continue to stir until the mixture begins to have a sandy texture and the color is even. If it's still too dry, add a spritz of water to your spray bottle. Don't spray too much because the bath bomb will become too fizzy and won't dry out.

Bath Bomb

Take your mold and fill each half with the mixture. Firmly press the halves together until the mold is sealed and the contents are safely inside of the mold.

Bath Bomb

Open up the mold and gently remove bath bomb. Sometimes, a gentle tap of the top of the mold with a spoon will help it pop out. Place bath bombs on a parchment paper lined cookie sheet and find a place where they can dry, undisturbed, for 24 hours. Cover bath bombs in plastic wraps for storage (or keep them in the plastic molds you made them in). They should stay fresh for about 6 months.

Be Responsible

Have fun experimenting with different colors and try adding some dry flower petals. Don’t use regular craft glitter in your bath bomb! Glitter isn’t biodegradable so when it eventually makes it's way into public waterways, it's polluting and harmful to wildlife. There are many biodegradable glitter options available online. Try a corn based glitter instead. It's much better for your skin than normal glitter, too. Speaking of skin sensitivity, this recipe uses only natural products. Even so, prolonged exposure or taking too many baths with a bath bomb could lead to vaginal irritation in some women. If you use bath bombs once a week or less, this shouldn’t be a problem! Don’t overdo it and you should be just fine. If you know that you are sensitive but want to indulge with a bath bomb- feel free to skip the corn starch. Corn starch is added to make your Bath Bomb more buoyant and it's not necessarily needed for the recipe.

Written by Seabuck Staff

seabuckwonders staff

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